Ahora...esto me tomó más tiempo del esperado, por un par de detalle...
a) A Elm le gusta manejar valores Just y Maybe...Haskell también lo hace...pero Haskell provee funciones alternativas que manejan el Just y el Maybe...Elm no...así que tuve que crear algunas funciones adicionales para manejarlo...
b) Elm no provee una funcion para obtener elementos de una lista...así que tuve que crear la función...
c) Todavía soy un novato en Elm
Poniéndo eso de lado...Elm sigue siendo asombroso y me encanta -;)
En fín...hay que ponernos a trabajar...
Debemos crear una carpeta llamada LED_Numbers y escribir esto en el terminal...
elm package install evancz/elm-html
elm package install evancz/start-app
Luego, abre tu editor favorito y copia y pega este código...
LED_Numbers.elm |
module LED_Numbers where import Html exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import StartApp.Simple as StartApp import String exposing (toInt,toList) import Dict --MODEL type alias Model = { number: String, leds: Dict.Dict Char (List String), line: String } initialModel: Model initialModel = { number = "", leds = Dict.fromList[('0',[" _ ","| | ","|_| "]),('1',[" ","| ","| "]), ('2',[" _ "," _| ","|_ "]),('3',["_ ","_| ","_| "]), ('4',[" ","|_| "," | "]),('5',[" _ ","|_ "," _| "]), ('6',[" _ ","|_ ","|_| "]),('7',["_ "," | "," | "]), ('8',[" _ ","|_| ","|_| "]),('9',[" _ ","|_| "," _| "])], line = "" } --UPDATE fromJust : Maybe a -> a fromJust x = case x of Just y -> y Nothing -> Debug.crash "" fromMaybe : Maybe (List String) -> List String fromMaybe x = case x of Just y -> y Nothing -> Debug.crash "" fromMaybeChar : Maybe Char -> Char fromMaybeChar x = case x of Just y -> y Nothing -> Debug.crash "" get_elem : List a -> Int -> Maybe a get_elem lst n = List.head (List.drop n lst) fromMaybeListChar : Maybe (List Char) -> List Char fromMaybeListChar x = case x of Just y -> y Nothing -> Debug.crash "" get_list: String -> List Char get_list str = String.toList str type Action = NoOp | Submit | UpdateNumber String update: Action -> Model -> Model update action model = case action of NoOp -> model UpdateNumber contents -> { model | number = contents } Submit -> { model | line = get_led (get_list model.number) 0 model, number = "" } get_led: List Char -> Int -> Model -> String get_led lst n model = if List.length lst > 0 then let h = fromMaybeChar(List.head lst) t = fromMaybeListChar(List.tail lst) leds = model.leds line = Dict.get h leds in fromJust(get_elem (fromMaybe line) n) ++ get_led t n model else if n < 2 then "" ++ "\n" ++ get_led (get_list model.number) (n+1) model else if n == 2 then "" ++ "\n" else "" --VIEW buttonStyle: Attribute buttonStyle = style [ ("outline", "none"), ("border", "none"), ("border-radius","4px"), ("margin-right","5px"), ("padding","4px 10px"), ("background","#61a1bc"), ("color","#fff") ] divStyle: Attribute divStyle = style [ ("margin", "50px auto"), ("padding", "0px 50px"), ("text-align", "center") ] pStyle: Attribute pStyle = style [ ("font-size", "30px") ] pageHeader : Html pageHeader = h1 [ ] [text "LED Numbers"] view: Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html view address model = div [ divStyle ] [ pageHeader, input [ type' "text", name "number", placeholder "Enter a number", value model.number, on "input" targetValue (\v -> Signal.message address (UpdateNumber v)) ] [ ], button [ buttonStyle, onClick address Submit ] [ text "Submit" ], pre [ pStyle ] [ text (model.line) ] ] main: Signal Html main = StartApp.start { model = initialModel, view = view, update = update } |
Anda al terminal y escribe esto...
elm make LED_Numbers.elm --output LED_Numbers.html
Abre el archivo en tu browser y ejecutalo...
Espero que les guste -;)
Development Culture.
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